- eurocurrencies
- євровалюти; валюти країн ЄС
The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans. S. Ya. Yermolenko, V. I. Yermolenko. 2002.
The English-Ukrainian Dictionary. Economics, Finance, Banking, Investmentss, Bank Loans. S. Ya. Yermolenko, V. I. Yermolenko. 2002.
Eurocurrencies — n. currency of one European country that is deposited in a bank in another European country … English contemporary dictionary
Eurocurrencies — Funds available for use in the international short term capital markets … Glossary of the European Union and European Communities
Euro lines — Lines of credit granted by banks (foreign or foreign branches of U.S. banks) for Eurocurrencies. The New York Times Financial Glossary lines of credit ( line of credit) granted by banks (foreign or foreign branches of U.S. banks) for… … Financial and business terms
Eurocredits — Intermediate term loans of Eurocurrencies made by banking syndicates to corporate and government borrowers. The New York Times Financial Glossary intermediate term loans of Eurocurrencies ( Eurocurrency) made by banking syndicates to corporate… … Financial and business terms
Eurocurrency — instrument issued outside your country, but denominated in your currency. A Eurodollar is a certificate of deposit in U.S. dollars issued in some other country (though mainly traded in London). A Euroyen is a CD issued in yen outside Japan.… … Financial and business terms
Foreign currency denominated account — Eurocurrency is the term used to describe deposits residing in banks that are located outside the borders of the country that issues the currency the deposit is denominated in. For example a deposit denominated in US dollars residing in a… … Wikipedia
ЕВРОРЫНОК — (euromarket) 1. Рынок, возникший в 1950 х гг. для финансирования международной торговли. Основными участниками рынка являются коммерческие банки (commercial banks), крупные компании и центральные банки (central banks) стран – членов ЕС. Операции… … Финансовый словарь
Eurocurrency — /yoor oh kerr euhn see, kur , yerr /, n., pl. Eurocurrencies. funds deposited in the bank of a European country in the currency of another country. Also called Euromoney /yoohr euh mun ee, yerr /. [EURO + CURRENCY] * * * … Universalium
international payment and exchange — ▪ economics Introduction international exchange also called foreign exchange respectively, any payment made by one country to another and the market in which national currencies are bought and sold by those who require them for such… … Universalium
Euromarkets — A general term for the international capital markets which encompasses, for example, the market for Eurobonds. All transactions in the Euromarkets are denominated in Eurocurrencies: funds that are held in an account outside the country in whose… … Law dictionary
ЕВРОРЫНОК — (euromarket) 1. Рынок, возникший в 1950 х гг. для финансирования международной торговли. Основными участниками рынка являются коммерческие банки (commercial banks), крупные компании и центральные банки стран членов ЕС. Операции проводятся главным … Словарь бизнес-терминов